Posts tagged ‘ufos’

Rocket Ships and UFOS

I love this and I was scanning what was newly posted and ideas on what to do with my son when I found this projectand my son was watching over my shoulder and he got excited about it.

The next morning when we finished off a carton of milk seemed the perfect opportunity, I cleaned the jug, tore off the label and put it aside for later.

Could I find the jug? nope, I had put it somewhere safe so it wouldn’t go in the recycle bin and it was so safe I couldn’t find it. So I found an old water bottle and decided to recycle that.

First we needed to paint it and Alexander decided he wanted purple so I put in the red and blue paint and put him on the trampoline to mix it up! Mixing a colour lesson with a craft seemed like lots of fun and no matter how many times I had told him in the past that red and blue make purple it never seemed to stick but he remembered what paint we put in his rocket ship. Here’s a blurry pic of him jumping.

Here is him proudly holding the bottle now that it is purple. The best thing about this paint activity is he is wearing a brand new shirt and he got no paint on him!

In the original post she put sparkles in her bottle but I decided not to, I wasn’t sure if it would show up with the purple paint.

Alexander wanted a pink and purple rocket so I found some pink ridged card and I cut that out into triangles for Alexander to colour and decorate. I found some red felt for the flames and an old tube from the foil, which I cut in half. I also got out some circle stickers and we used them to decorate as well.

Alexander’s way of colouring is to do a bit of scribble and then he wants to do the next bit.

This is where I ran into trouble. I ran out of glue for my glue gun and being a curved bottle it was hard to stick things on. I tried double sided tape and it worked a little but not so great. I finally got some more glue but if the children drop it the bits do fall off but oh well easily fixed. Because of the curved bottle I stuck the lids with the more surface against the bottle.

I found an old fruit and jelly container to rest on the bottom to try and get the approval from my children that it looked liked the picture. Ooops have I not mentioned what we were using for a guide yet? We started with the blog but then we also used a book we have been reading a book calledThey have pointed out that Bud’s rocket has a nose cone and ours hasn’t, still need to work that one out yet.

So pictures of the front and back of our rocket, the rocket coming in for a crash landing and Bud’s rocket.

Bud’s Rocket is about a mouse who decides to visit the moon, the kids have fun counting down with him, he jumps on a comet, catches a star and then an alien steals his rocket ship. Thankfully a nice alien lends him his ship so Emily had a turn at making a UFO while Alexander decorated his rocket with stars. My idea was to put a paper bowl on a paper plate but I couldn’t find any paper bowls in the house so instead an old yogurt container and a paper plate were put together. Using the picture we put round stickers for lights all around the paper plate. Emily declared the UFO also needed windows so the round stickers went on the yoghurt container too. The pink crayon is for colouring as she too wanted a pink and purple UFO but it didn’t turn out too pink.

Using the book as her guide

Finally the finished product

August 25, 2011 at 2:28 pm Leave a comment

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